Monday 28 October 2013

Weekly Update (28/11/2013)

In the last lesson, I began to create name ideas and masthead designs. I did this by simply creating a spider diagram; featuring four different sectors of words to use for my name ideas for the magazine. These included acronyms, phrases, connotative and compound words. I chose around 35 name ideas - I liked the name inD and Unsigned as I feel as though they represent the magazine very well and are a key signified of what the magazine stands for. I'm still undecided on which name to use as I was to be 100% sure on the name and I feel as though I'm not quite there yet. After I had created name ideas, I went onto DaFont and ReFont to select fonts that I like to use for the masthead. I downloaded these fonts and transferred them onto InDesign where I created a long list of the fonts and compared which one I like most. Again, I'm still quite undecided as I want the masthead to be to the best of my ability as it is one of the most important factors of a magazine as it can make or break it. 

In the next lesson, I plan on possibly choosing my final name and masthead design so that I can effectively move on to the next task, and select shots of what images I would like to feature in my magazine to help influence me. 

Monday 21 October 2013

Weekly Update (21/10/2013)

In todays lesson I began to write down what tasks havent been completed/not completed to a appropriate standard. I had 6 Tasks and managed to complete four of them. I finished my Preliminary Design Ideas as I originally only had completed my front cover design, however today I finished my contents page design and added ot to my blog.

Model Release


This is the model release for my photoshoot. I have chosen who I would like to participate in my Photoshoot and prior to taking photos of my model. I had to make sure that Tegan was happy with being photographed and understood that the images are for a school project. This release form also states that, if necessary, a re-photoshoot is needed that the model will take part in it. This concludes that Tegan, my model, is happy to take part in my photoshoot.


Monday 14 October 2013

Weekly Update (14/10/2013)

In todays lesson we were finsihing up all the work we had that low grades on in our coursework. I also finished my moodboard. I was really proud of how my moodboard turned out. it really summed up everything that i wanted my magazine to be. I didnt want to just have a powerpoint with a few pictures shwoing what my magazine would represent. I wamted to make it more media based. I used Adobe Premier to make my moodboard and i found it relatively simple. I have had past experience with other video editing softwear such as Sony Vegas Pro so i wasn't completely baffled by the software. I used a new Eminem Track called Berzerk in the background because it is a very hyper and exciting sound and i thought it would be appropriate to represent my magazine.

Magazine Name Ideas

Created my name ideas was a particually hard task for me at the start. I lacked ambition and wasn't aware of the name that i wanted to represent my whole magazine project. However, when I started thinking of a couple basic names to do with Hip-Hop, I then could not stop. Anything that came into my head that even slighty was relevent with my genre I wrote down.

I have picked out three favourites from my list. These being:

1) "Pen 2 Pad" I think this one is good because most rappers use a pen and paper to write down their music/lyrical inspirations. At first I wanted my magazine name to just be one word name but as i started writing down ideas, I began to like phrases/sentances that i can use as abriviations. I can use "Pen 2 Pad" as "P2P".

2) "Wired" I really like this one as there is various ways I can write it and using different fonts/designs to make it as unique as possible. The word Wired can link in with various hip-hop synonyms as it links in with the microphone on a stage venue and and a wire leading into 18 Watt Double Barrel Boombox blasting the artists track with amplified base for an even louder sound/

3) Personalsation - I am really fond of the idea of making the magazine seem personal to the reader so I like the idea of puting "My" or "Your" in the magazine name. I think using "Ur" will be better than using "Your" as when the title is abreviated it will come out sounding better as "U" instead of "Y". An idea for this are "UrLyrics" meaing the articles can be seen as some form or lyrics.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Weekly Update 06/10/13

                   Part 1:                                                                                                       Part 2

Alternately you can read here:

This week I started by updating various different blog posts that i have completed on the unit so far. I updated my proposal, my target audience and my evaluation for my preliminary task. The reason for updated these three posts in particular was either down to incomplete work or work to a standard which i believe to be not my best. Also this week i created my Proposal Feedback Video. I chose to do my feedback as a video instead of text as i feel it incorporates more media into the project rather than just reading a text comment. My Proposal feedback featured Demi, Gemma and Layla giving quick strengths, weaknesses and things I can look to improve. I uploaded the video on to Youtube and then following this, embedded it to my blog. I had numerous problems with Vimeo. I tried to use vimeo over Youtube but it wouldn't work on a various occasions. I wasted a fair bit of time trying to get Vimeo to work but from now on I am just going to use Youtube for video uploads.

Proposal Feedback